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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 285
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-11-15Investigation and Performance Optimization of Modular Multilevel Converter-based HVDC Systems for Smart Grids: Control, Harmonic Analysis and Power Quality EnhancementShufian, Abu; Hannan, Nasif; Kabir, Shaharier; Fattah, Shaikh Anowarul
2024-10-16XEMLPD: an explainable ensemble machine learning approach for Parkinson disease diagnosis with optimized featuresKhanom, Fahmida; Biswas, Shuvo; Shorif Uddin, Mohammad; Mostafiz, Rafid
2024-11-30Deep Learning-Based Multistage Fire Detection System and Emerging DirectionSultan, Tofayet ; Chowdhury, Mohammad Sayem ; Safran, Mejdl ; Mridha, M F ; Dey, Nilanjan .
2024-09-02A ComparativeReview on Stock Market Prediction Using Artificial IntelligenceSarker, Pulok; Sayed, Adnan; siddique, Abu bakar; Apu, Avijit Saha; Tasnim, Syeda Anika; Mahmud, Rifath
2024-03-09A Comparative Review on DDoS Attack Detection Using Machine Learning TechniquesSahosh, Zerin Hasan; Faheem, Azraf; Tuba, Marzana Bintay; Ahmed, Md. Istiaq; Tasnim, Syeda Anika
2019-09-26Discovering Rules for Nursery Students to amplify nursery education in developing countries using Apriori AlgorithmMarufuzzaman, Mohammad; Gomes, Dipta; Rupai, A.A.A.; Lariya, Modh Sidek
2020-12-30A Comprehensive Study of Real-Time Vacant Parking Space DetectionMahmud, Rifat; Saif, A.F.M. Saifuddin; Gomes, Dipta
2021-06Robust Underwater Fish Detection Using an Enhanced Convolutional Neural NetworkDipta, Gomes; Saif, A.F.M. Saifuddin
2024-04-08Classification of Food Objects using Deep Convolutional Neural Network using Transfer learningGomes, Dipta; Saif, A.F.M. Saifuddin
2018-11Performance Evaluation of Extended Latency Time AlgorithmGomes, Dipta; Rupai, A.A.A.; Barid, Mimun; Sufian, Abu
2025-02-13Revolutionizing Brain Tumor Detection Using Explainable AI in MRI Images-
1-01-14VG-CALF:Avision-guidedcross-attention andlate-fusion network for radiology imagesinMedicalVisualQuestionAnsweringLameesa, Aiman; Silpasuwanchai, Chaklam; Alam, Sakib Bin
2024-10-18Real-time smoke and fire detection using you only look once v8-based advanced computer vision and deep learningShakila Rahman, Syed muhammad Hasnat Jamee, Jakaria Khan Rafi, Jafrin Sultana Juthi, Abdul Aziz Sajib, Jia Uddin
2024-11A Comprehensive Study of Advancements in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Through Artificial Intelligent Education PlatformsGomes, Dipta
2024-10-08A Comprehensive Study to Analyze Student Evaluations of Teaching in Online EducationAhmed, Nyme; Hamim, Sultanul Arifeen; Nandi, Dip
2023-03-31Analyzing the Impact of COVID‐19 on the Mental Health of StudentsShefat, Syed Nafiul; Ahmed, Nyme; Ibn Alam, Rifat; Ahad, Taimur
2022-03-31Keep me in Distance: An Internet of Things based Social Distance Monitoring System in Covid19Ibn Alam, Rifat; Ahmed, Nyme; Shefat, Syed Nafiul; Ahad, Taimur
2022-03-15Investigation of Computing Students’ Performances in a Fully Online Environment During COVID-19 PandemicShefat, Syed Nafiul; Akib, Md. Golam Ahsan; Ahmed, Nyme; Ibn Alam, Rifat; Nandi, Dip
2022-03-17Table Token Generator and Indicator in Restaurant using Micro-controllerAhmed, Nyme; Woishe, Methila Farzana; Sultana, Nila; Bristy, Tamanna Zaman
2022-06-08A Comparative Analysis among Online and On-Campus Students Using Decision TreeIbn Alam, Rifat; Akib, Md. Golam Ahsan; Ahmed, Nyme; Shefat, Syed Nafiul; Nandi, Dip
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 285