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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Michael 1:1 adducts by acid catalyzed reaction during synthesis of spiro and spiroketal compounds.Hossain, Mohammad Mosharraf; Halim, Md. Ershad; Islam, Md. Monarul; Akhter, Kawsari; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2020Soil Organic Carbon Pool and its Storage in Arial Beel Wetland Soils of BangladeshHossain, Md. Faruque; Kamal, ASM Maksud; Eva, Monera Akhter; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Parveen, Zakia
2021-11-19Heavy Metal Concentrations and Human Health Risk Assessment of Selected Wild and Cultured Fishes of BangladeshKhalil, Farzana; Akter, Ami; Hossain, Md Amjad; Mustafa, Tonima
2020One pot synthesis of Biginelli 3,4-dihydro-1H-pyrimidin-2-ones and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro pyrimidines.Halim, Md. E.; Akhter, K.; Ahmed, S. M.; Hossain, Md. Al Amin; Romman, U. K. R.
2019Synthesis of 1-phenyl-3,4-dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-ones derivatives under solvent free condition and study of their antimicrobial activity.Akhter, K.; Jahan, K.; Halim, M. E.; Shefa, S.; Rifat, S.; Khan, K. R.; Ahmed, S. M.; Romman, U. K. R.
2017-07One step cyclocondensation of (thio)barbituric acid with chalcones in glacial acetic acid and phosphorous pentoxide, Part-IIAkhter, Kawsari; Halim, Md. Ershad; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Sarker, Probir Kumar; Akter, Farjana; Jahan, Khorshada; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2016-07One step cyclocondensation of (thio)barbituric acid with chalcones in glacial acetic acid and phosphorous pentoxide, Part-IAkhter, Kawsari; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Halim, Md. Ershad; Kader, M. Abdul; Jahan, Khorshada; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2013-01An efficient synthesis of chromene derivatives through a tandem michael addition-cyclization reactionJaman, Zinia; Jahan, Khorshada; Akhter, Kawsari; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Siddiki, S. M. A. Hakim; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2013-07A one pot synthesis of 5, 7-diaryl-1,5-dihydro (or 1, 2, 3, 5-tetrahydro)- pyrano[2, 3-d] pyrimidin-2, 4-diones (or 2-thioxo-4-ones)Rahman, Md. Mahbubur; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Siddiki, S. M. A. Hakim; Halim, Md. Ershad; Akhter, Kawsari; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2013-01Studies on the conversion of ketones of heterocyclic spiro compounds having barbituric acid moieties into oxime derivativesRahman, Md. Mahbubur; Halim, Md. Ershad; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Akhter, Kawsari; Romman, U. K. R.; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin
2012-07Synthesis of 5, 7-diaryl-1,5-dihydro (or 1, 2, 3, 5-tetrahydro)- pyrano[2, 3-d] pyrimidin-2, 4-diones (or 2-thioxo-4-ones)Ullah, Mohammad Shahid; Ahmed, M. Giasuddin; Romman, U. K. R.; Akhter, Kawsari; Ahmed, S. Mosaddeq; Halim, Md. Ershad
2017-02-25Electrochemical Zinc Intercalation in Lithium Vanadium Oxide: A High-Capacity Zinc-Ion Battery CathodeAlfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Mathew, Vinod; Song, Jinju; Kim, Sungjin; Islam, Saiful; Pham, Duong Tung; Jo, Jeonggeun; Kim, Seokhun; Baboo, Joseph Paul; Xiu, Zhiliang; Lee, Kug-Seung; Sun, Yang-Kook; Kim, Jaekook
2017-04-21Carbon-coated manganese dioxide nanoparticles and their enhanced electrochemical properties for zinc-ion battery applications.Islam, Saiful; Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Song, Jinju; Kim, Sungjin; Pham, Duong Tung; Jo, Jeonggeun; Kim, Seokhun; Mathew, Vinod; Baboo, Joseph Paul; Xiu, Zhiliang; Kim, Jaekook
2017-08-01Carbon-coated rhombohedral Li2NaV2(PO4)3 nanoflake cathode for Li-ion battery with excellent cycleability and rate capability.Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Islam, Saiful; Song, Jinju; Kim, Sungjin; Pham, Duong Tung; Jo, Jeonggeun; Kim, Seokhun; Baboo, Joseph Paul; Putro, Dimas Yunianto; Mathew, Vinod; Kim, Jaekook
2020-06-10Quasi-solid-state zinc-ion battery based on α-MnO2 cathode with husk-like morphologyPutro, Yunianto Putro; Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Islam, Saiful; Kim, Seokhun; Park, Sohyun; Lee, Seulgi; Hwang, Jang-Yeon; Sun, Yang-kook; Kim, Jaekook
2020-06-09Manganese and Vanadium Oxide Cathodes for Aqueous Rechargeable Zinc-Ion Batteries: A Focused View on Performance, Mechanism, and DevelopmentsMathew, Vinod; Sambandam, Balaji; Kim, Sekhun; Kim, Sungjin; Park, Sohyun; Lee, Seulgi; Alfaruqi, Mohammad Hilmy; Vaiyapuri, Soundhararajan; Islam, Saiful; Putro, Dimas Yunianto; Hwang, Jang-Yeon; Sun, Yang-Kook; Kim, Jaekook
2021-02-17In Situ Oriented Mn Deficient ZnMn2O4@C Nanoarchitecture for Durable Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc-Ion BatteriesIslam, Saiful; Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Putro, Dimas Yunianto; Park, Sohyun; Kim, Seokhun; Lee, Seulgi; Ahmed, Mohammad Shamsuddin; Mathew, Vinod; Sun, Yang-Kook; Hwang, Jang-Yeon; Kim, Jaekook
2020-06-01The dominant role of Mn2+ additive on the electrochemical reaction in ZnMn2O4 cathode for aqueous zinc-ion batteriesSoundharrajan, Vaiyapuri; Sambandam, Balaji; Kim, Sungjin; Islam, Saiful; Jo, Jeonggeun; Mathew, Vinod; Sun, Yang-kook; Kim, Jaekook
2019-11-11First principles calculations study of α-MnO2 as a potential cathode for Al-ion battery application.Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Islam, Saiful; Lee, June; Jo, Jeonggeun; Mathew, Vinod; Kim, Jaekook
2019-08-08K + intercalated V2O5 nanorods with exposed facets as advanced cathodes for high energy and high rate zinc-ion batteries.Islam, Saiful; Alfaruqi, Muhammad Hilmy; Putro, Dimas Yunianto; Soundharrajan, Vaiyapuri; Sambandam, Balaji; Jo, Jeonggeun; Park, Sohyun; Lee, Seulgi; Mathew, Vinod; Kim, Jaekook
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 58