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dc.descriptionA webinar titled "How to efficiently extract information from lab manuals and assist students" was organized by the Faculty of Engineering, AIUB on September 23, 2021on Microsoft Teams online platform. The speaker of the webinar was Mr. Shuvra Saha (Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, AIUB). Mr. Nafiz Ahmed Chisty (Associate Professor & Head In-Charge, Department of EEE) acted as the moderator and host for the webinar. The target audience for this webinar was mainly Laboratory Staffs of FE, AIUB. The speaker of the webinar, Mr. Shuvra Saha, started his session by discussing the basic structure of lab manuals. First, he introduced the different sections comprising a lab manual and briefly explained the function of each. Next, he covered the contents of Theory and Methodology section where he stressed the importance of understanding the underlying theoretical concepts and showed examples of circuits (for experiment focused labs) and algorithms (for simulation focused labs) that may be a part of it. The Apparatus and Precaution sections were given extra focus due to the lab assistants having a greater involvement with them. The speaker believed that it is very important that lab assistants recognize the circuit symbols of different types of transistors and are familiar with the usage of IC datasheets. To avoid damage to equipment and ICs, assistants need to inform the students of the safety instructions and provide guidance regarding matters such as oscilloscope calibration and power supply limits. He pointed out that the experimental procedure section may be the area where the students need help the most and identified the Report and Discussion sections as ones that are mostly the students’ responsibility. Later, he explained the open-ended labs to the audience, showing how it was different from normal lab work in the way its manual does not contain detailed working instructions. It is comprised of only objective and specific tasks to encourage the development of designing capability and creativity of students. The session included a brief interactive question answer session between the laboratory staff in the audience and the organizers. Mr. Md. Saniat Rahman Zishan (Associate Professor and Head, Department of CoE) provided the closing remarks by thanking Faculty of Engineering and the speaker for the informative session and encouraging laboratory personnel to take initiative in developing their skills with the goal of continuous improvement. The session was graced by the presence of Dr. Md. Abdur Rahman (Professor and Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering), Dr. Mohammad Abdul Mannan (Professor and Director, Faculty of Engineering), Ms. Nowshin Alam (Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE) and Mr. Sujan Howlader (Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE).en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries2021;Fall 2021-22-
dc.titleFaculty of Engineering (FE) organized a webinar on “How to efficiently extract information from lab manuals and assist students”en_US
Appears in Collections:News and Events

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