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Title: Tendency in the Transformation of Agricultural Land into Non-Agriculture: some selected areas in Bangladesh
Authors: Rokonuzaman, M.
Saha, G C
Alam, Mohammad Khurshed
Keywords: Conversion, Trends, Agricultural land, Non-agricultural land, Bangladesh
Issue Date: 7-Dec-2022
Publisher: Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies.
Abstract: The survey was conducted to - estimate the annual conversion of agricultural land into non-agriculture, investigate the present pattern of non-agricultural uses of the converted land, suggest suitable policy measures towards the protection of farmland in the country. Besides, consequent loss of crop production during the ten years of 2001 to 2010 was estimated. There were three Upazila from Mymensingh district: Mymensingh Sadar, Bhaluka, and Fulbaria; another three from Narshindi district: Narshindi Sadar, Belabo, and Polash Upazila as local of the study,respectively. Data were collected from 18. 01.12 to 10.03.12. The respondents were the household head. The total sample size was 180, of which 20 were from each Upazila. Data were collected using a face-to-face interview schedule. The data indicated that conversion of agricultural land 0.42 percent per year. Information regarding nonagricultural uses of converted land indicates that more than half (55 percent) of the converted land was used in housing predominantly in urban villages (53 percent) as expected. The subsequent two important uses were in constructing roads and usiness enterprises covering 11 and 8 percent respectively. The non-reported area of usewas also substantial (18 percent). Such land was the largest in rural villages (20 percent). Among different residential statuses of the households, the second most crucial utilization in peri-urban villages was road construction, covering 21 percent of its converted land. The respondents have put forward some suggestions for arresting the current rate of land conversion. Their ecommendations include the following agriculture should be made more profitable and attractive (50 percent); the special tax should be imposed on the conversion of land (29percent), and interestingly, area wise ceiling may be fixed for non-agricultural uses of land (9 percent), and tax exemption may be offered for commercial farms, and the agro-based industries scored same (9 percent). It was concluded that crop loss amounting to US$197,963,29 per year happens due to the conversion of farming land into non-agriculture purposes in Bangladesh as a whole.
Description: NA
ISSN: ISSN NO 12250279
Appears in Collections:Publications From Faculty of Engineering

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