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Title: Electronic correlation effects in Ce4RuMg compound
Authors: J. C. Debnath, Shams Forruque Ahmed, J. L. Wang
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Different factors of electronic correlations directly relate with the fundamentals of condensed matter physics. Exploration of novel materials has an important character in developing the level of understanding of magnetic properties in correlated matters. It is known to all scientists that Cerium-based compounds exhibit different thought-provoking properties which relate with the correlated nature of intermetallics materials. To improve the knowledge of correlated systems especially at very low temperatures, we prepare a statement on Ce4RuMg material. Different physical properties of the compound Ce4RuMg have been measured within a range above room temperature to very low temperature which is about 0.5 K with the application of 7 T applied magnetics field. It is observed that the type of crystallization is cubic Gd4RhIn type structure and the space group is F43m. An incongruity is perceived at 1.5 K from the magnetic susceptibility graph, a suggestion of the antiferromagnetic phase of that compound. The observed moment of magnetization is μeff = 2.17 μB/Ce which is very close to pure Ce metal (μeff = 2.54 μB). This might be associated with the (CEF) effects considering magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The zero magnetic field specific heat measurement exhibits an anomaly at 1.8 K which is possibly owing to the presence of long-range magnetic interactions in Ce4RuMg. The value of electronic specific heat coefficient γ = 137 mJ/Ce-mol K2, calculated from the heat capacity measurements, parades the tendency of a heavy fermion-like behavior.
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