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dc.contributor.authorJ. C. Debnath, Harikrishnan S. Nair, André M. Strydom, K. Ramesh Kumar, and Jianli Wang-
dc.description.abstractThe magnetocaloric effect is observed in the 1:1:1 compound ErRhSi, which is a metamagnet is reported in this paper. ErRhSi crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pnma, adopting the TiNiSi structure type, with lattice parameters a(A° )¼6.7903(5), b(A° )¼4.1881(3), and c(A° )¼7.3847(4). Our magnetic measurements confirm an antiferromagnetic phase transition at TN 8.5 K, also supported by the specific heat measurement. Crystal field effects of Er3þ are suggested by the inverse magnetic susceptibility data which do not conform to an ideal Curie- Weiss behaviour and also by the total entropy that attains Rln (2) at TN. Although the magnetic hysteresis indicates ErRhSi to be a soft magnet, several clear metamagnetic features are observed at 2K. Magnetic entropy change DSM¼ 8.7 J/kg-K is observed at about 9K with the application of 5 T magnetic field. The corresponding adiabatic temperature change DTad is about 4K. Large magnetocaloric effects suggest that this material is suitable for the low temperature magnetic refrigeration.en_US
dc.titleMagnetocaloric effect in the metamagnet ErRhSi compounden_US
Appears in Collections:Publication: Journal

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