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dc.contributor.authorR. Zeng, S. Q. Wang, G. D. Du, J. L. Wang, J. C. Debnath-
dc.description.abstractA nanostructured honeycomb lattice consisting of MnPS3 nanoparticles synthesized via the ion-exchange technique was found to have restacked molecular layers stabilized by H2O insertion between the layers. Susceptibility (v) and heat capacity measurements showed the absence of long range magnetic ordering, at least down to 2 K. However, the v data showed that the system possesses a high effective Curie temperature, suggesting that the system is in a high spin lattice disordered state. Evaluation of the magnetocaloric effect indicates that the system has a large reversible magnetic-entropy change ( DSm) of 6.8 and 12.8J/kg K and an adiabatic temperature change (DTad) of 3.8K and 8K at 2.85K for magnetic field changes of 3 T and 9 T, respectively.en_US
dc.titleAbnormal magnetic behaviors and large magnetocaloric effect in MnPS3 nanoparticlesen_US
Appears in Collections:Publication: Journal

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