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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md Hasibul-
dc.contributor.authorSabbir, Md. Mahiuddin-
dc.description.abstractDespite extensive literature identifying various factors influencing consumers’ e-waste recycling behavior (EWRB), sustaining such behavior remains a challenge. This paper aims to explore how personal goals and motivation shape individuals’ EWRB. An extended model of the Theory of Reasoned Goal Pursuit (TRGP) was developed by integrating the Norm Activation Model (NAM) and Behavioral Reasoning Theory (BRT). Data was collected surveying young consumers in a developing country and analyzed using the structural equation modeling technique. The results show that motivation is the strongest immediate predictor of the intention to engage in EWRB, and it is significantly influenced by individuals’ active pro-environmental goal (APG) and active approval goal (AAG). The impact of APG on EWRB was found to be greater than that of AAG. Additionally, moral norm significantly influences APG, suggesting that it serves as a determinant of APG. The findings also indicate that when eco-awareness, sense of responsibility and moral norm collectively form APG, it exerts the more significant impact on EWRB. Furthermore, perceived risk was found to significantly moderate the relationship between intention and EWRB, widening the intention-behavior gap. This paper contributes by applying the TRGP in the context of EWRB and enhancing our understanding of how personal goals interact with other factors that influence EWRB. The paper also discusses the limitations of the TRGP and presents a novel extended TRGP model to address these limitations. From a practical perspective, this study offers valuable recommendations for practitioners on fostering sustainable EWRB among young consumers, supporting the implementation of circular economy at consumer level.en_US
dc.titleSustaining e-waste recycling behavior among young consumers to implement circular economy: An extended model of Theory of Reasoned Goal Pursuiten_US
Appears in Collections:Publications From FBA : Journal Article

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