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Results 2201-2210 of 2240 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-11Performance Evaluation of Extended Latency Time AlgorithmGomes, Dipta; Rupai, A.A.A.; Barid, Mimun; Sufian, Abu
2024Analysing the efficacy of UML in explaining object-oriented concepts to undergraduate computer science studentsKhan, Manzur H; Miah, Md Saef Ullah
2024-06-11Current Trends and Future Trajectories: Polymer-Modified Concrete in the Context of BangladeshAhmmed, Md. Mortuza; Puri, Shalini
2022Magnetic structure, magneto-caloric properties and magnetic critical behaviours of LaMn2Ge2 compoundsX.X. Wang, W.Q. Wang, W.D. Hutchison, C.W. Wang, H.Y. Hao, F. Su, Y.F. Xu, J.C. Debnathe, S.J. Campbell, Z.X. Cheng, J.L. Wang
2023Utilization of nanomaterials in accelerating the production process of sustainable biofuelsShams Forruque Ahmed a, J.C. Debnath, Fatema Mehejabin, Nafisa Islam, Ritu Tripura, M. Mofijur, Anh Tuan Hoang, M.G. Rasul, Dai-Viet N. Vo
2023Electronic correlation effects in Ce4RuMg compoundJ. C. Debnath, Shams Forruque Ahmed, J. L. Wang
2023Utilization of nanomaterials in accelerating the production process of sustainable biofuelsShams Forruque Ahmed a, J.C. Debnath, Fatema Mehejabin, Nafisa Islam, Ritu Tripura, M. Mofijur, Anh Tuan Hoang, M.G. Rasul, Dai-Viet N. Vo
2019-09-26Discovering Rules for Nursery Students to amplify nursery education in developing countries using Apriori AlgorithmMarufuzzaman, Mohammad; Gomes, Dipta; Rupai, A.A.A.; Lariya, Modh Sidek
2022Effects of electronic correlation in CeRuAl compoundJ. C. Debnath, S. F. Ahmed, J. L. Wang
2017ChargeorderingandexchangebiasbehaviorsinCo3O4 porous nanoplatelets and nanoringsJ.C. Debnath, Jianli Wang, R. Zeng