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Results 2211-2220 of 2240 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019High pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of the Mn0.94Ti0.06CoGe alloyP. Shambaa, J.C. Debnatha, J.L. Wanga, Q.F. Gu
2014Effects of Cr substitution on structural and magnetic properties in La0.7Pr0.3Fe11.4Si1.6 compoundM. F. Md Din, J. L. Wang, A. J. Studer, Q. F Gu, R. Zeng, J. C Debnath, P. Shamba, S. J. Kennedy, and S. X. Dou
2013Critical phenomena and estimation of the spontaneous magnetization by a magnetic entropy analysis in Mn0.96Nb0.04CoGe alloyJ. C. Debnath, A. M. Strydom, P. Shamba, J. L. Wang, and S. X. Dou
2013Ideal Ericsson cycle magnetocaloric effect in (La0.9Gd0.1)0.67Sr0.33MnO3 single crystalline nanoparticlesJ.C. Debnath, R. Zeng, A.M. Strydom, J.Q. Wang, S.X. Dou
2013Correlation between structural parameters and the magnetocaloric effect in epitaxial La0.8Ca0.2MnO3/LaAlO3 thin filmJ. C. Debnath, J. H. Kim, Y. Heo, A. M. Strydom, and S. X. Dou
2016Magnetocaloric effect in the metamagnet ErRhSi compoundJ. C. Debnath, Harikrishnan S. Nair, André M. Strydom, K. Ramesh Kumar, and Jianli Wang
2017Magnetic and electrical response of Co-doped La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 manganites/ insulator systemJ.C. Debnath, Jianli Wang
2014Transport-entropycorrelationsinLa0.7Ca0.3MnO3 manganiteJ.C. Debnath, A.M. Strydom
2016Magnetocaloric effect in HoMn2Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitionsJ.C. Debnath, Jianli Wang
2015Large low field magneto-resistance and temperature coefficient of resistance in La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 epitaxial thin filmJ.C. Debnath, A.M. Strydom