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Results 2221-2230 of 2240 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Ti substitution for Mn in MnCoGe – The magnetism of Mn0.9Ti0.1CoGeJ.L. Wang, P. Shamba, W.D. Hutchison, M.F. Md Din, J.C. Debnath, M. Avdeev, R. Zeng, S.J. Kennedy, S.J. Campbell, S.X. Dou
2012Anisotropic and excellent magnetocaloric properties of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 single crystal with anomalous magnetizationJ.C. Debnath∗, R. Zeng, J.H. Kim, D.P. Chen, S.X. Dou
2011ImprovementofrefrigerantcapacityofLa0.7Ca0.3MnO3 material withafew percent CodopingJ.C. Debnath n, R.Zeng,J.H.Kim,S.X.Dou
2012Effect of frozen spin on the magnetocaloric property of La0.7Ca0.3CoO3 polycrystalline and single crystal samplesJ.C. Debnath∗, R. Zeng, J.H. Kim, P. Shamba, D.P. Chen, S.X. Dou
2012Reduction of hysteresis loss in LaFe11.7Si1.3Hx hydrides with significant magnetocaloric effectsJ.C. Debnath · R. Zeng · J.H. Kim · P. Shamba · S.X. Dou
2013Investigation of the critical behavior in Mn0.94Nb0.06CoGe alloy by using the field dependence of magnetic entropy changeJ. C. Debnath, P. Shamba, A. M. Strydom, J. L. Wang, and S. X. Dou
2011Large magnetic entropy change near room temperature in La0.7(Ca0.27Ag0.03)MnO3 perovskiteJ.C. Debnath∗, R. Zeng, J.H. Kim, S.X. Dou
2012Abnormal magnetic behaviors and large magnetocaloric effect in MnPS3 nanoparticlesR. Zeng, S. Q. Wang, G. D. Du, J. L. Wang, J. C. Debnath
2013On the crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Mn0.94Ti0.06CoGe alloyP. Shamba, J. L. Wang, J. C. Debnath, R. Zeng, F. Hong
2025-03-01An integrated fuzzy optimal location selection model for setting up floating solar photovoltaic plant: Implications for energy sustainability in BangladeshAnam, Zahidul; Bari, A. B. M. Mainul; Basak, Dipayan; Foysal, Md. Atik; Raihan, Asif; Md. Towfiqul Islam, Abu Reza