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Title: High Intrinsic Modulation Bandwidth InGaAsP/InGaAsP 1.55μm Asymmetric Active Multimode Interferometer Laser Diode by Using Split Pump Configuration
Authors: Uddin, Mohammad Nasir
Kizu, Takaaki
Hinokuma, Yasuhiro
Hong, Bingzhu
Tajima, Akio
Kato, Kazutoshi
Hamamoto, Kiichi
Keywords: MMI Laser
Intrinsic Modulation Bandwidth
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2014
Publisher: The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Citation: Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Takaaki Kizu, Yasuhiro Hinokuma, Bingzhou Hong, Akio Tajima, Kazutoshi Kato, Kiichi Hamamoto, “High Intrinsic Modulation Bandwidth InGaAsP/InGaAsP 1.55μm Asymmetric Active Multimode Interferometer Laser Diode by Using Split Pump Configuration”. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 53, Issue 8S2,08MB09, 11th July 2014. (ISI, Web of Science, Inspec, Scopus-Q2, Compendex Indexed, IF-1.49).
Series/Report no.: vol. 53;issue 8S2
Abstract: 1.55 µm InGaAsP/InGaAsP multiple quantum well (MQW) asymmetric active multimode laser diode (active MMI-LD) with split pumping scheme has been demonstrated. Asymmeric configuration ensures the singlewavelength output from the designed device. Moreover, the advantage of having large multimode active pumping section behind the splitted modulation section is the key contributor for having higher photon density in modulation section without increasing the device length. By utilizing the split pump configuration in the designed active MMI-LD, high intrinsic 3 dB modulation bandwidth of 24.6 GHz is achieved. To the best of our knowledge this is the highest reported intrinsic modulation bandwidth for active MMI-LD. Required photon density to achieve more than 40 GHz 3 dB bandwidth for direct modulation is also clarified.
ISSN: 1347-4065
Appears in Collections:Publications From Faculty of Engineering

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