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Title: Cyber Security and Approaches of Institutions: A study on private institutions of Banani and Dhanmondi Thana area, Dhaka
Authors: Matin, Shaira
Islam, Monwarul
Keywords: Private institutions, cyber security, limited resources
Issue Date: 22-Dec-2019
Publisher: Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies (JCSTS)
Series/Report no.: 1;1
Abstract: Cyber security is considered as business issue more than a technical issue. The term widely used in Bangladesh since last decade. Dealing with information made our life resourceful, and risky at the same time. Cyber security and private institutions keep a silent but significant relation around Bangladesh. Corporate offices, public and private organizations have dealing with private cyber institutions to develop, design and monitor the respective websites. This paper has conducted study on those private institutions of Dhanmondi and Banani Thana administrative areas. The study found the diversity of working area of private institutions and limited resources to continue the activity. International collaboration and support from government can increase the strength of private cyber institutions and consider their performance as the potential resource for the cyber world.
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