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Publications From FBA : Journal Article

Publications From FBA : Journal Article

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 155
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-01Effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Purchasing Behavior of ConsumersZaman, Sayaka; Barua, Bikash; Islam, MM Obaidul; Haque, AKM Kamrul
2023-07Effect of Business Ethics and Product Offering on Customer Loyalty in The Disruption Age: An Analysis of The Banking Sector in BangladeshHossain, B M Sajjad; Haque, AKM Kamrul; Islam, MM Obaidul
2017-09Governance, corporate reputation and intellectual capital disclosureHasan, Rashedul; Mohammad, Niaz; Alam, Mohammad Faridul
2007-06An Evaluation of the Credit Rating Practices in Bangladesh.Khan, Md. Morshed Hasan; Masud, Mohammad Zakaria; Alam, Mohammad Faridul
2007-07Reforming Taxes in Bangladesh: The Dilemmas of Achievements and ChallengesAlam, Mohammad Faridul; Masud, Mohammad Zakaria
2009Turnkey ProjectBarua, Bikash; Islam, MMObaidul
2009Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) Practices in Bangladesh: Some Research ConsiderationsIslam, MMObaidul
2017-03Impact of Intellectual Capital on Profitability - Conventional versus Islamic BanksHasan, Rashedul; Mohammad, Niaz; Alam, Mohammad Faridul
2018-05The Role of Media in Creating Social Awareness about the Female Hygiene Practices during Menstruation Cycle in BangladeshRahman, Sabrina; Islam, Hamidul; Rodrick, Stanley Sumon; Nusrat, Kazi
2019-10The Use of Promotional Tools in Enhancing Consumers' Awareness towards the purchase of Agro-based ProductsIslam, Hamidul; Sarker, Sahin Akter; Rodrick, Stanley Sumon
2020-12The Impact of Packaging and Labeling Elements on the Rural Consumers' Purchase Decision for Skincare Products in BangladeshRodrick, Stanley Sumon; Islam, Hamidul; Zadid, Ahmed Ishtiaq
2021-12Prospects and Challenges of using Credit Card Services: A Study on the users in Dhaka CityRodrick, Stanley Sumon; Hamidul, Islam; Sarker, Sahin Akter; Tisha, Fatema Ferdousi
2022-08Consumers' Awareness and Acceptance of Grocery Shopping from the Online PlatformsIslam, Hamidul; Rodrick, Stanley Sumon; Khan, Ziarat H.
2011Literature Survey and Potential E-Commerce Research in BangladeshIslam, MMObaidul
2009Does it really matter? Business Statistics and Summer SemesterIslam, MMObaidul
2009Teaching Business Statistics to BBA Students: Some RemarksIslam, MMObaidul
2009Does it really matter? Business Statistics and Summer SemesterIslam, MMObaidul
2013An Overview of Research on E-Commerce Adoption by SMEs and some Research Questions from Bangladesh standpointsIslam, MMObaidul
2016-04Social Impact and Sustainability of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banking Sectors: Bangladesh PerspectiveMohammad, Niaz; Kamal, Shah
2009-07Implementation of Quality Management System in the Banking Sector of BangladeshBarua, Bikash; Islam, MMObaidul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 155