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Title: Second Language Learners’ Ownership of English in the USA: The Influence of Accents
Authors: Ahmed, Shaila
Keywords: Accent, Ownership, ESL, Structuralist and Post-Structuralist Approaches
Issue Date: Dec-2018
Publisher: UITS Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Series/Report no.: 6;1
Abstract: This article presents how accent and ownership is perceived among L2 learners. In order to accomplish the task this study attempts to answer the question: In what way does the perception of ESL students’ accent influence their sense of ownership of English? It begins with the background by looking at accent, ownership, ESL and then it illustrates the “structuralist” and “post-structuralist” approaches. Finally, this article recommends adopting “poststructuralist approach” by English teachers.
ISSN: 2663-1105
Appears in Collections:Publication

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