Browsing by Author Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque

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Showing results 95 to 114 of 140 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998-12-18Microcomputer Based Dish Antenna Position Control SystemSaha, Pran Kanai; Ahsan, Syed Shabiul; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Islam, Kamarul; Alam, AHM Zahirul
2005-12-28Microcomputer Based Dish Antenna Position Control System with Autocalibration OptionBhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Saha, Pran Kanai
2010-06-02Microcontroller based Automatic Traffic Light Control System DesignBhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Rabby, Md. Anayet; Tarik, Md. Mostayanul Gofur
2012-12-01Microcontroller Based DC Motor Speed Control Using PWM TechniqueRussell, Md. Kamruzzaman; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2017-04-20Microcontroller Based High Precision Non-Contact Distance Measurement System Using UltrasoundTitlee, Rokhsana; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2023-02-15Microcontroller-Based Embedded System Design and Implementation towards Sustainable Development GoalsBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2022-02-28A Modern Review of the Non-Invasive Continuous Blood Glucose Measuring Devices and Techniques for Remote Patient Monitoring SystemBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2021-06-30A Modern Review of the Spintronic Technology: Fundamentals, Materials, Devices, Circuits, Challenges, and Current Research TrendsBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2005-12-31MOS device simulation using MEDICIBhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Khan, Sher Shermin Azmiri
2018-04-30Motivating Students in Electrical Circuit CourseBhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Khan, Sher Shermin Azmiri
2013-01-31Newton’s Method of Optimization: A Simpler ApproachBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2019-12-05OBE Guidelines to Designing, Teaching, Assessment and Evaluation of Electronics CoursesBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2014-12-31On the Single Electron TransistorBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2010-06-02Output Response Improvement of a DC Motor Drive Position Control System using a PID ControllerBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2006-12-31Performance Analysis of Turbo Codes for Wireless CommunicationBhuiyan, Mohammad Ashrafuddin; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Abuwasib, Mohammad
2010-06-02PLC based Automatic Railway Gate Control SystemBhuyan, Muhibul Haque; Kabir, Md. Ahasanol
2024-04-12Portable Air Quality Detector Using DSM501A Dust Sensor and Arduino UnoMullick, Iftekhar Uddin; Faisal, Khan Atik; Nishat, Tarikul Islam; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2021-05-31Practices of Online Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of the BSc in EEE Programme during the COVID-2019 PandemicBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2021-12-31Prospects, Challenges and Evaluation of the BSc in EEE Programme for Diploma in Engineering HoldersBhuyan, Muhibul Haque
2024-06-24A Real-Time IoT-Enabled Automated Solar Panel Cleaning System with Dust Detection Employing Advanced Image Processing TechniqueKarima, Nazmun Nahar; Saikat, Mahmudul Hasan; Molla, Md Sumon; Bhuyan, Muhibul Haque